M/F Winter Mirai Kuriyama – Beyond the Boundary/Kyoukai no Kanata

Although I’m currently in southern California, it would seem the cold that has been plaguing everyone else in the world has finally caught up to us. However, despite the cold we can all flex our fashionable muscles and still keep warm!

I mean, seriously, look at Mirai.. she’s so cute! However, don’t let the little red glasses and (totally trendy this season) boyfriend cardigan fool you; she uses her own blood to fight off monsters from the underworld, looking cute as a button to boot. I think one of the greatest things about Mirai though is that she is not afraid to be herself; she is an outcast at school and struggles on her own, but she rises to the occasion every time to fulfill her Spirit Warrior and personal responsibilities.

Four for Glen Coco!

You go, Glen Coco.

Mirai Kuriyama - Beyond the Boundary/Kyoukai no Kanata

Included in the ladies’ part of the set is the adorable aforementioned boyfriend cardigan and some red nail polish to channel your own blood sword abilities, and a cozy Akihito-esque sweater and blood-red Onitsukas for the gentlemen.

Keep warm my friends, and as always, Happy Cosplaying!